Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find an answer to a question here that you have about the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch you can read the How it works page.
General questions about the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch.
What is the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch?
The LiveLife 4GX Mobile Alarm Watch will provide you and other family members’ peace of mind that when you are home or out in the community that help is just a press of a button away. It works wherever there is available mobile network coverage in Australia. When you press the side button on the watch it texts a help message with your location on Google Maps then starts calling up to 6 emergency contacts one by one (000 can be one of the numbers that is called). It also includes an inbuilt fall detection capability. The watch includes a “smart voice guide” that talks you through your emergency. Family and friends can even call the watch if they wish to talk to the wearer. The LiveLife Alarm Watch is showerproof and very simple to use.
Does it work in conjunction with a monitoring or call centre?
No. Not by default although it can. You choose up to 6 emergency contacts which are usually trusted family members and friends. You can even include 000 as a contact if you wish. Because it does not require a monitoring centre in an emergency there are no ongoing monitoring charges or monthly fees. You don’t have to use all 6 emergency contacts. You can use less if you wish. With this said, some customers prefer to be monitored by our 24/7 monitoring centre. In this case, in an emergency when the side button on the watch is pressed a text message will be sent to our monitoring centre with your location. Within 60 seconds they will call you on your watch, which will answer automatically in two way voice. From there, they will organise the assistance required.
Is this watch only for the elderly living at home alone?
It is ideal for seniors who may be living at home alone and remain active enough to be outdoors un-accompanied. It is also a great solution if a senior who lives at home, needs a medical alarm, but does not have a landline. Many seniors connected to the new NBN have had their phone services switched to VOIP and no longer can use a landline type medical alarm without additional wiring costs. In this case a mobile watch alarm that operates on the mobile network becomes a less costly alternative and in nearly all cases, a better one.
Do you have to connect it to the mobile phone network?
Yes. Because it works like a mobile phone it needs to be connected to the mobile phone network to work. As part of your purchase we install an activated Telstra SIM card which uses the Telstra network. The Mobile Alarm Watch is not locked to any specific provider before we install a SIM card. If during our coverage check the mobile coverage appears inadequate we will let you know and discuss your options. In most locations there will be good Telstra coverage as our sim card uses the whole of the retail Telstra Network. We’ll check your address on coverage maps so we can advise you on your best option.
Is it expensive to use on the mobile phone network?
No. Your first year of use on the Telstra Mobile Network is included in the purchase price. A recharge/subscription is required annually after the first year. *The device is to be used as an emergency device and falls under our ‘Fair Use Policy‘.
Can you talk and listen through the watch to the calls?
Yes. The watch has a built in microphone and speakerphone so the wearer can talk hands free through the watch. The sound is clear and high quality. When a help call is answered it goes automatically into speakerphone mode. Pressing the "Cancel" button on the watch ends the call and the rest of the call sequence.
What's different with the 2025 model?
The new 2025 LiveLife Alarm watch now comes with updated hardware and software. It has an improved battery life and antenna design. We have also worked to improve the waterproof capability. We’ve also made a lot of updates behind the scenes, such as but certainly not limited to, new SMS commands, improvements to text message formatting, improved mobile network support, algorithm improvements, ability to change voice files from the watch over the air, improved interoperability with the supplied beacon and more…
Facts about the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch.
How big is it?
The LiveLife Watch is a perfect size. It has a diamter of 47mm and is 16mm thick. It is lightweight, weighing about the same as three 20 cent pieces.
Is it heavy or uncomfortable to wear?
The watch weighs only 64 grams, about the same as three 20 cent pieces. It comes with writband option of black leather, brown leather, black silicon, brown silicon, grey velcro or blue velcro options. After a little while you will have to look to know you are wearing your watch.
What happens if it gets wet?
The watch is water resistant, so you can wear it in the shower or the rain. It should not be immersed in water: e.g. bath, spa, pool or ocean.
Is it easy to accidentally make a help call?
The SOS help button is on the side of the watch making it hard to press accidentally. To activate the help calling sequence the side watch button must be pressed for one second. It will vibrate and a voice will announce “Your mobile alarm has been activated. Click the watch side button to cancel the call sequence”, to let you know it has been activated. This smart voice guide will repeat this sentence twice, allowing you time to click the side watch or "Cancel" button should you wish to cancel the emergency texts and calls before they begin.
Do you have to put a SIM card inside it and have a mobile phone account too?
The Mobile Alarm Watch operates on the mobile phone network just like a mobile phone does. A sim card must be installed, activated and a mobile phone number must be assigned to the pendant.
We install a Mobile Sim card which uses the full, retail Telstra Mobile Network. As part of the setup we will install a Sim card for you. We will allocate to it the first years usage for unlimited emergency text and voice calls. We will supply you with the mobile phone number assigned to your watch.
How do I keep track of the prepaid credit and buy more before it runs out?
Checking credit remaining on your Mobile Alarm Watch
With our Telstra SIM card you do not need to check or worry about any prepaid credit, unlike some others who sell alarms that require sim card installation. Your first year of usage* is included in the purchase price. A recharge/subscription of $75 per year applies each year after the first year. *Under our ‘Fair Use Policy‘ the device is to be used as an emergency device only.
What happens if the person wearing the watch is in an area without 4G coverage?
For the Mobile Alarm to perform its help call, help text and location functions the wearer must be in an area where there is sufficient mobile coverage on the Telstra Mobile Network. The 4GX Live Life Alarm primarily tries to use the 4GX (extended range 4G – Band 28) mobile network. If that’s not available in your location it will try and use 4G (Band 3). Before we complete your order and deliver your Mobile Alarm Watch we will do a coverage check of the address where the watch will be used. You can find out more about mobile coverage here.
What does the pre delivery setup include?
The Live Life Mobile Alarm Watch requires an extensive setup that includes:
-Coverage checks on the Telstra Mobile Network.
-Supply, activation, installation and testing of the Telstra Mobile Network SIM card.
-Allocating the first year’s use on the Telstra Mobile Network.
-Pre-programming of up to six emergency contacts and the help text message.
-Turning on of optional features like fall detection, listen in and geo-fencing (anti-wandering).
Can I change the 6 emergency contact numbers later?
Yes. You can easily change any of the contact numbers by sending a command in the form of a simple text message to the watch’s mobile number. Simple instructions are included with the Mobile Watch Alarm’s User Manual and also on our Downloads page on our website.
Please watch this short video that explains how to change emergency phone numbers.
Can the watch call mobile numbers and landline numbers?
Yes. Your emergency contacts can include any combination of mobiles or landlines. Please be aware though that if a landline number is one of the contact numbers it won’t receive the help text message or the location on Google maps. That is why we recommend if possible that some or all contacts are mobile numbers. Some people’s landline numbers have text to voice on their message bank and so the text message may be converted to a voice message.
Can it call 000 in an emergency?
Yes. You can include 000 as one of the emergency contacts. Please be aware that 000 will not receive the help text message and the location on Google Maps. We will, however, upload the wearers name and address to the emergency services database so that it corresponds to the mobile phone number of your Live Life Alarm Watch.
When 000 is included as a contact people often have the following calling sequence setup:
1. A family member: perhaps someone who is living close by or is the often the most available to help.
2-5. Another family member, friend, carer or neighbor.
6. 000 Emergency services.
How to test your mobile watch with 000
How does the fall detection feature work?
The watch has a built-in fall detection feature that is designed to detect unbroken falls or the kind of fall more likely to result in unconsciousness. It measures the impact, angle and speed of a fall in order to ascertain if a fall has probably occurred. When it detects a fall the watch will announce in a loud, clear voice “Fall has been detected, click the watch side button button to stop”. This will be repeated twice before sending out ‘fall down alert’ text messages to the programmed emergency contacts and the alarm will then start calling them. Fall detection technology is not perfect and false alarms can occur, however, the wearer will be given the chance to cancel the fall alert if it is a false alarm. Fall detection can be turned off by sending a simple text command to the watch from a mobile phone or the fall detection can be made less or more sensitive by the user. The LiveLife Watch Alarm cannot detect every fall, as every fall is different. For example, It may not be activated automatically if someones fall is blocked by an object, they brace themselves as they fall or perhaps if they slump or roll to the floor. If you are conscious and able to, it is recommended to press the personal alarm watch manually, with one short, sharp press. In your user manual you will find instructions on how to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the fall detection on your LiveLife Alarm Watch. You can read more about how fall detection works by clicking here.
Watch this short video that explains how fall detection works.
Can I turn off some features like fall detection if I decide to?
Yes. Fall detection is an optional feature that we can easily turn off during the setup up of your Mobile Alarm Watch. It is turned on by default. You can request to have fall detection turned off when we discuss your needs and order on the phone.
To turn it off you simply send a command to the watch via a text message from a mobile phone. Instructions are included. If you’re worried your fall alert is going off too easily then check page 14 of the user manual for instructions on how to increase or decrease the fall alert sensitivity settings.
How do you use the built-in GPS features?
The Mobile Alarm Watch connects to Global Positioning Satellites to establish its exact location. It will also look for it’s position automatically using wifi when in more built up areas. This in-built feature allows the watch to be located on Google Maps. When the watch side button is pressed not only does the watch begin calling the emergency contacts, but it also sends each one (mobile numbers) a text message with a link to Google Maps showing the location of the wearer of the watch. Each of the contacts will then know the location to send help to.
Also anyone knowing the mobile phone number of the watch can send a simple, location command via text message to it and it will send a reply text automatically showing its location on Google Maps using one of the inbuilt location methods.
How to locate the wearer of the mobile alarm watch with GPS
How hard is it for an elderly person to hear the call through the watch?
The watch contains a speaker that has clear, loud and high quality sound. When a help call is made and then answered the wearer will hear the other person and be able to talk to them like on a normal mobile phone call. As a default the volume is turned up to 80% on the watch.
Do the voice prompts come in different languages?
Yes. The voice alerts that come from the Live Life Alarm Watch are available in seven languages. They are English (default), Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Italian and Greek. All these voice alerts are crystal clear and have been pre-recorded by native vocal artists.
To listen to a sample of each language just click on the links below and turn up your sound:
English - Click here
Mandarin – Click here
Cantonese – Click here
Greek – Click here
Italian – Click here
Vietnamese – Click here
Korean- Click here
Just call us on 1800 936 774 option 1 or email or get in touch by LiveChat on our website if you’d like us to load one of these languages for you as the voice alerts your Live Life Alarm makes in an emergency.
A low battery voice alert woke me up in the night. How can I stop that from happening?
It's easy to setup a Do Not Disturb period. Just send the following text message to the mobile number of your watch:
(means low battery voice alerts will not be announced between 9 PM and 7 AM.)
How does Do Not Disturb feature work?
As of March 2025, we send all watches out with Do Not Disturb set by default between 10 PM and 7 AM. This means there will be no "low battery" voice alerts or incoming calls from unknown phone numbers during this time. Emergency contacts though can still call in. If you want to disable Do Not Disturb, send the SMS text message ND0 to your watch.
General questions about the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch.
Do you have to charge it often?
When the battery in the alarm drops to 20% (after about a day depending on use) a voice from the watch will announce “Your battery is low. Please recharge your battery”. To recharge the watch you just place it on the charging station for 45 minutes or until you see the battery is at a suitable level. A voice from the alarm will announce “Your mobile alarm is charging”. If the wearer forgets to put the alarm onto charge or hasn’t heard the smart voice low battery warning, then by default the alarm will send a “low battery” warning text message to the nominated contact which is usually contact number 1, when the battery drops to 10%. Many people keep the charging station plugged in somewhere in the home. The battery should last 24-36 hours if used normally and around 18-24 hours hours if worn continually away from the home. It uses more power when being worn away from the home than when within range of the Bluetooth charging station. This is because as the wearer moves around outdoors, the built in motion-detector attempts regularly to update it’s position with the GPS satellites, which uses more power.
What kind of battery does it have?
It contains a rechargeable, Lithium-Ion battery just like a normal mobile phone. When delivered it we will be in the ‘power saving mode’. Simply plugin the supplied home charging station to a power point in the home, turn on the watch by pressing the side button and you’re ready to go. We will already have pre-programmed the home charging station to the wearers address. When the wearer is at home primary location is obtained via Bluetooth from the Bluetooth beacon. Your 4GX Live Life Alarm should last for between 20-26 hours depending on usage.
It is for my parent to use. How do I know if the battery has gone flat?
If you are concerned that the user of the Mobile Alarm Watch may be forgetful about recharging the watch then by default we turn on a ‘Low battery warning’ feature that will send a text message to the first contact when the battery falls below 10%. That way you can contact the wearer of the watch to ask them to recharge. If you wanted to you can actually call the watch to tell the wearer their battery is low. You can easily turn off the low battery warning text messages by sending a simple SMS command to it from a mobile phone: LOW0
Remember, when the battery drops to 20% the smart voice guide will announce in a clear and loud voice “Your battery is low. Please recharge your battery”.
A Note on Usage
Like a mobile phone, how the watch is used will affect battery life. In the home, connected to the home charging station by Bluetooth and used only in emergencies, the alarm will last about 20-36 hours. If the watch is taken out of the home or is activated (pressing the SOS watch side button, calling into or out from the alarm or sending text commands to the device) then the time required between recharges will be lessened.
General questions about the LiveLife Mobile Alarm Watch.
Is there any delivery or shipping fees?
The cost of setup and delivery is included in the price. Your Mobile Alarm Watch will be sent via Express Post.
Are my credit card details safe when I buy this alarm online?
LiveLife Alarms uses the eWAY Payment Gateway for its online credit card transactions. eWAY processes online credit card transactions for tens of thousands of Australian merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the Internet. All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the eWAY gateway are secured payments.
Once I have ordered how long till it arrives?
Your Mobile Alarm Watch will be sent to you via Australia Post ‘Express Post’. How long it takes to arrive will depend on your delivery location. Once we have shipped your order you will be able to track your delivery via Australia Post’s website. We endeavour to send your Mobile Alarm within 2 business days after receiving programming information from you.
Is there a refund & return policy on this watch?
Yes, there is a ’30 day return and refund policy’ on the Mobile Alarm Watch. Full details can be viewed on our Refund & Returns page.
What happens if when I receive the Mobile Alarm Watch I can’t get a strong enough signal in the home it is going to be used in?
Before we setup and deliver your Mobile Alarm Watch we will do a coverage check of the Telstra Mobile Network at the address of the user of the watch. If the coverage map indicates inadequate coverage at that location we will advise you on other options.
It should be noted however that the coverage maps are not always 100% accurate and black spots in the networks can occur. This a characteristic of all wireless and mobile phone networks. Sometimes a black spot is only discovered by the user when the Mobile Alarm Watch is tested in the user’s home. In this case our Refund & Returns policy applies where a refund will be offered.
What kind of warranty does it come with?
The LiveLife mobile alarm watch comes with a 12 month warranty.