What To Look For in a Personal Emergency Medical Alarm System
These days there are plenty of options when it comes to choosing the best personal emergency alarm system. In this short article let’s examine these further. Should work anywhere there is mobile network coverage, [...]
Live Life Alarms Grand Opening of New Sales Office by Greg Piper MP
Live Life Alarms is a rapidly growing e-commerce business with offices in Australia, USA and Canada. From humble beginnings (a spare room in Morriset) in 2015, Live Life Alarms now employ 32 staff and [...]
Mepacs vs Live Life Alarms – A Comparison
For the elderly two desires remain foremost in their minds as they age. People wish to remain independent and to continue to live at home for as long as possible. They want to retain [...]
Safety for Isolated Seniors. How the LiveLife Alarm Can Help During Social Distancing
As we now know people aged over 70 and especially 80 are in the highest risk categories if they come into contact with COVID-19. Having other underlining medical conditions increases that risk. That's why [...]
Mobile Personal Emergency Alarms – How They Can Help (Directors Speech to Staff)
I mentioned in the last newsletter that I had an interesting call a few weeks ago from a lady named Carmen. Carmen was the lady that fell and was caught between the toilet and [...]
How Fall Detection Works
Taking a tumble when alone is no fun no matter how you try and spin it. The statistics tell us that 1 in 3 people aged 65 or over fall each year in Australia, [...]
Jo Pearce says:
Deb Healey says:
Joanne Orr says:
Cath Body says: